How to do mass partnerships on Discord

2 min readJul 28, 2021


First off, let’s consider what a mass partnership is.

A mass partnership is when you arrange a deal with a partnership manager and partner with all of their servers. In exchange, the partnership manager will then post your server in all of the servers they manage. This can easily end up being over 50+ servers in one go, so it’s a great way to earn partnerships and members! This usually occurs in a server called a “portal”. A portal is a server that has all the servers a partnership manager manages, each in their own channel. From now on, this article will be referring to partnership managers as PM’s.

At the moment, there are two main servers where you can find PM portals to mass in.

Realm of Portals:

Big ol’ Portal:

Upon joining these servers and verifying/choosing roles if required, you will see many channels of PM portals. You can join any of these PM portals and see if their mass statuses are on. If so, you can make a ticket in one of them, ask to mass partner with all the servers, and wait for the PM to respond while following all the instructions in the portal’s rules. They will probably ask you to copy paste all the ads in the numerous channels that include servers into your partnership channel. Once you do that, contact the PM again and they will post your ad in all of those servers.

Remember that PM’s are human, so be lenient with them and feel free to ask them questions! Good luck and happy massing, you’ll grow your servers in no time!



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